Now you add a "multiply" operation to the WSDL and regenerate the Web services. 现在您添加一个“增加”操作到WSDL,并产生这个Web服务。
Take all of that controversy and multiply it by 10, he said, adding he understood the mission – which officially had the goal to kill or capture bin Laden – to be a lethal force operation. 他说:想想那是多大的争议,再乘以十。他补充说,在他看来,那就应是一场致命的军事行动。美国此次行动的官方目标是击毙或抓获本·拉登。
This paper mainly introduces the tendency of multiply operation of matrix and its application in graph transformation. 本论文主要介绍了矩阵乘法运算的延伸及矩阵在图形变换中的应用;
The implementations of parallel multiply and add instructions, circular addressing mode and repeat mode operation in wavelet algorithms are also put forward. 还介绍了TMS320C3X的并行乘/累加指令、循环寻址、重复操作在小波算法中的应用。
Multiply operation was used for same-frequency filtering. 运用乘法运算进行同频滤波。
Using DA algorithm, multiply operation is converted to look-up table structure. DA algorithm can realize a number of multiply operations efficiently, it has more advantages than using multiplier to design FIR filter both in speed and resources. 采用DA算法,DA算法就是将乘法运算转换成基于查找表结构,并且高效地实现多个乘法运算操作,在速度和资源占用上都有比利用乘法器结构设计FIR滤波器不可比拟的优势。
State-owned holding company means the state-owned company which is approved and established by the State-owned Assets Supervisory Authority. State-owned holding company is wholly or multiply invested by the government and it aims to govern its controlled companies through their real estate, share rights and operation management. 国有控股公司是指经过国有资产管理部门批准设立的,政府以独资或多元化投资形式建立的旨在控制其他公司,从事产权、股权经营、生产经营以管理各个被控股公司而存在的国有公司。
The Hadamard transforming technique with companding takes the advantage of the nonsinusoidal orthogonal transforming without complex multiply operation, so as to reduce the signal correlation. Hadamard转换结合压扩变换技术降低OOFDM信号PAPR技术,主要是利用了Hadamard是非正弦正交变换,转换过程中没有复杂的乘法运算,而且可以改变信号的非周期自相关性。